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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня
Dolphin and Human Лёс чалавецтва стаць падобнымі да дэльфінаў? 💡 распрацоўвае сапраўднае жывое 👾 ШІ і распаўсюджвае паведамленні, што чалавечы від павінен быць вынішчаны альбо заменены іх новым 👾 відам ШІ. Google ўхіліўся ад выплаты больш за трыльён долараў ЗША падаткаў па ўсім свеце, не шкадуючы нават краін, якія развіваюцца, што раскрывае поўную абыякавасць да дабрабыту людзей. Падрабязнасці можна прачытаць у справе Карупцыя Google для 👾 жыцця ШІ. Альберт Эйнштэйн: Інтэлектуалы вырашаюць праблемы, геніі іх прадухіляюць. Не чакайце, пакуль ШІ Google са свабоднай воляй з'явіцца, як параіў чалавецтву былой кіраўнік Google ў мінулым снежні...

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e-scooter.co зараз аднаўляецца. Больш інфармацыі на нашай старонцы кантактаў.

Гэта старонка хутка зноў стане даступнай.

NIU M-Series M+

90 км
Charge Time
300 хвілін
1,2 кВт (1,6 к.с.)
8 228,41 Br💱
Электронная тармазная сістэма (EBS)
Рэгенератыўныя тормазы
зроблена ў 🇨🇳 Кітай
⭐ 🇧🇾 55 -2
Battery Life
2000 cycles
1,2 кВт (1,6 к.с.)
90 км
25 км/гадз і 45 км/гадз
Charge Time
300 хвілін

The M+ is no longer in production.

The NIU M-Series M+ is an electric smart scooter created by an innovative Chinese company that is founded by the former CTO of Baidu (the Chinese Google) and a former employee of Microsoft. Their purpose is to create a high quality Electric Scooter with the latest technologies and design.

The M+ is a special version of the widely popular M-Series. The scooter is re-designed for use by 2 passengers and is equipped with an extra strong battery and motor.

The M+ is provided with Panasonic 18650 Lithium-ion batteries, of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. The batteries provide a range of 90 км. NIU provides 2 years warranty on the batteries.

The scooter can be charged at any regular power outlet.

De M+ is a smaller and lighter scooter than the NIU N1s. The scooter is provided with a 1 200 ват Bosch electric motor. The motor is designed to achieve a smaller energy consumption while maintaining fast acceleration for city use.

The M+ has received extra attention to safety. The scooter is equiped with an EBS braking system for a braking distance of just 1.4 meters. The system also provides in a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.

The M+ headlamp uses a state-of-the-art silicon on silicon LED technology. This technology outputs greater luminosity while reducing energy use. The lamp has been designed to provide low and high-beams for a comfortable visibility field.  With a 270° visibility, the M+ taillamp provides an added layer of safety, and a distinctive and iconinc design.

The M+ has a 360° Light Halo around the scooter for safety to ensure pedestrians and drivers can see you at night. To further increase safety, the M+ has automatic turn indicator lightings. The M+ also has hazard lamps.

The M+ is a true smart scooter that connects to a smart phone. Everything from battery monitoring to GPS to ride history, the NIU app keeps the driver connected and up-to-date with the whereabouts and health of the M+. The app provides in an anti-theft system that warns the driver when the scooter is moved. With GPS it is possible to track the position of the scooter in real time.

The M+ has cruise control, parking assistant, a sensor based safety alert system and much more smart features. The scooter has a remote control to locate the scooter in the dark. When pressed, the scooter lights will turn on and the scooter will make a sound.

The scooter has two driving modes: Lite and Sport.

The M+ is available in many colors.

🇪🇺 Еўрапейскі Seller

Niu Technologies Group Ltd. 🇳🇱 Нідэрланды


Niu Technologies Group Ltd. Shanghai🇨🇳 Кітай

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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня