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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня
Dolphin and Human Лёс чалавецтва стаць падобнымі да дэльфінаў? 💡 распрацоўвае сапраўднае жывое 👾 ШІ і распаўсюджвае паведамленні, што чалавечы від павінен быць вынішчаны альбо заменены іх новым 👾 відам ШІ. Google ўхіліўся ад выплаты больш за трыльён долараў ЗША падаткаў па ўсім свеце, не шкадуючы нават краін, якія развіваюцца, што раскрывае поўную абыякавасць да дабрабыту людзей. Падрабязнасці можна прачытаць у справе Карупцыя Google для 👾 жыцця ШІ. Альберт Эйнштэйн: Інтэлектуалы вырашаюць праблемы, геніі іх прадухіляюць. Не чакайце, пакуль ШІ Google са свабоднай воляй з'явіцца, як параіў чалавецтву былой кіраўнік Google ў мінулым снежні...

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e-scooter.co зараз аднаўляецца. Больш інфармацыі на нашай старонцы кантактаў.

Гэта старонка хутка зноў стане даступнай.

Gogoro Pulse

150 км
Charge Time
150 хвілін
9 кВт (12,1 к.с.)
10 909,26 Br💱
Зменны акумулятар
Антыблакавальная тармазная сістэма (ABS)
Рэгенератыўныя тормазы
зроблена ў 🇹🇼 Тайвань
⭐ 🇧🇾 407 -5
Battery Life
4000 cycles
9 кВт (12,1 к.с.)
150 км
Лёгкі матацыкл
Charge Time
150 хвілін
Максімальная хуткасць
130 км/гадз

The Pulse is an electric scooter from Taiwanese electric scooter brand Gogoro, a subsidiary of HTC, one of the biggest smart phone makers in the world. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.

The Pulse is branded as the worlds first Hyper Electric Scooter. The drive train of the scooter is custom developed and provides many advanced new features including Launch Mode that provides an acceleration performance of 0 to 50 km/h in 3.05 seconds.

Launch Control

The scooter has a powerful liquid cooled 9 000 ват electric motor for a top speed of 130 км/гадз. The motor is named Hyper Drive and uses an advanced dual cooling technology and ride-by-wire power distribution for mind-blowing speed first-seen in electric scooters.

The scooter has a new generation lithium battery with a capacity of 5,1 кВт·гадз. The battery has a 15% increased energy density compared to previous Gogoro models which results in a greater driving range per charge, and the new batteries support fast charging from 0-80% in just 30 minutes using a regular DC charger.

Smart Dashboard

The scooter has a new 10.25-inch full HD touchscreen smart dashboard with next-generation riding assistance features. The dashboard is powered by the latest technologies from Qualcomm and supports themes. The following example is the retro theme:

retro ui theme

badge findmy.The dashboard is integrated with Apple Siri that enables voice control. The scooter is additionally integrated with several other Apple technologies, including Apple's Find My and Apple Pay & NFC to provide Tap & Go using Apple devices, which is a first-ever in the vehicle industry.

The scooter is equipped with an advanced anti-theft system.

Pretty much unstealable. Protect your ride with our two-step lock system, add more security with iPhone biometric authentication.

The Pulse produces a unique sound that makes it safer to use in urban areas. The sound can be personalized like a theme.

The scooter has advanced technologies for safety and driving performance, including the latest Bosch ABS 10 dual braking system and traction control system (TCS). Other premium features include USB-C charging ports, RFID keyless start, a cup holder, and cruise control.

The scooter has a high performance adjustable dual rear shock absorber and a Gates Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™ belt that are designed for durability while supporting extreme acceleration.

The scooter has an advanced active matrix lighting system that intelligently adapts the headlight projection for optimal visibility and safety in all riding conditions.

active matrix light

The scooter is available in many colors and can be personalized with a wide range of acessoires.

The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.

🇪🇺 Еўрапейскі Seller

Gogoro Europe B.V. Amstelveenseweg 7601081JKAmsterdam🇳🇱 Нідэрланды
Phone+886 2 2729 8777


Gogoro No. 33, Dinghu Rd.33308Taoyuan City🇹🇼 Тайвань
Phone+886 2 2729 8777

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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня