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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня
Dolphin and Human Лёс чалавецтва стаць падобнымі да дэльфінаў? 💡 распрацоўвае сапраўднае жывое 👾 ШІ і распаўсюджвае паведамленні, што чалавечы від павінен быць вынішчаны альбо заменены іх новым 👾 відам ШІ. Google ўхіліўся ад выплаты больш за трыльён долараў ЗША падаткаў па ўсім свеце, не шкадуючы нават краін, якія развіваюцца, што раскрывае поўную абыякавасць да дабрабыту людзей. Падрабязнасці можна прачытаць у справе Карупцыя Google для 👾 жыцця ШІ. Альберт Эйнштэйн: Інтэлектуалы вырашаюць праблемы, геніі іх прадухіляюць. Не чакайце, пакуль ШІ Google са свабоднай воляй з'явіцца, як параіў чалавецтву былой кіраўнік Google ў мінулым снежні...

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e-scooter.co зараз аднаўляецца. Больш інфармацыі на нашай старонцы кантактаў.

Гэта старонка хутка зноў стане даступнай.

Gogoro 2 Series Plus

150 км
Charge Time
150 хвілін
6,4 кВт (8,6 к.с.)
9 648,95 Br💱
Ланцужковы прывад
Рэгенератыўныя тормазы
Зменны акумулятар
зроблена ў 🇹🇼 Тайвань
⭐ 🇧🇾 44 +7
Series 2 Plus
Battery Life
1000 cycles
6,4 кВт (8,6 к.с.)
150 км
25 км/гадз і 45 км/гадз
Charge Time
150 хвілін
Максімальная хуткасць
45 км/гадз

The Series 2 Plus is no longer in production.
The model is replaced by Series 2 Premium.

The Series 2 Plus is an electric scooter from Taiwanese electric scooter brand Gogoro, a subsidiary of HTC, one of the biggest smart phone makers in the world. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.

The Gogoro 2 offers almost the same performance as the Gogoro 1 but has a much lower price.

The 2 Series is designed to be economical. It uses mainly standard parts that are readily available at low cost in most countries. The scooter is practically maintenance free and can be serviced by most regular scooter garages.

The scooter has a 6 400 ват electric motor for a top speed of 45 км/гадз. The scooter accelerates from Ад 0 да 50 км/гадз за 4,3 секунд.

The speed of the scooter can be restricted to be officially registered as 45 км/гадз scooter.

The scooter is equipped with regenerative braking that will return power to the batteries. The braking system is a unique innovation called Synchronized Braking System (SBS) that delivers simultaneous braking force to the front and rear wheels, automatically balancing stopping force to reduce slips when hard braking or during panic stops.

The Gogoro scooter is remotely serviced like Tesla cars. With more than 80 sensors constantly tracking the vehicle’s every heartbeat, Gogoro engineers keep watch on every aspect of the Smartscooter, ensuring all functionality stays perfectly in tune. The dashboard of the scooter provides Gogoro’s iQ System that pushes your riding info to a colorful smart dash, helping the driver to ride more efficiently. It also automatically updates with new advanced features wirelessly. The dashboard is fully customize able like a smart phone home screen.

The Gogoro 2 Series is digitally encrypted and fingerprint authenticated making the scooter virtually unstealable. With the same trusted tech that keeps banks and servers secure, the scooter will not drive for anyone but the owner. The scooter has a wireless key.

The scooter has innovative 2 compound racing tires that provide less friction when driving fast and that provide extra traction in steep turns.

The scooter has a large buddy seat that provides space for 2 helmets.

Battery Swap network

Unlike other electric scooters that charge via a wall outlet, the Gogoro is provided with a battery subscription and a network of GoStation battery swapping stations. When the charge on the scooter runs low, you stop by a station and swap the batteries with fresh ones. Gogoro charges a monthly subscription fee for this service.

Next to the battery swap network Gogoro also offers a home charging station called a GoCharger that charges both batteries in 150 хвілін.

The range of the batteries is 150 km.

Smart scooter

The Gogoro connects to a smart phone app that allows for an incredible amount of customization. Riders can use the Gogoro app with their iPhone or Android to change the colors of the lights, monitor their battery usage, find a battery swap station, call for help if they crash, or locate where they parked.

Gogoro offers 2 years of unlimited mileage warranty.

The scooter has a lockable storage compartment with USB charge ports.

The cover of the 2 Series can be replaced like a smart phone cover, allowing personalization of the scooter.

The scooter is available in many colors.

🇪🇺 Еўрапейскі Seller

Gogoro Europe B.V. Amstelveenseweg 7601081JKAmsterdam🇳🇱 Нідэрланды
Phone+886 2 2729 8777


Gogoro No. 33, Dinghu Rd.33308Taoyuan City🇹🇼 Тайвань
Phone+886 2 2729 8777

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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня