GiGi foldable eScooter
The GiGi foldable eScooter is a high quality fold-able Electric Scooter by a Dutch manufacturer. The scooter has been designed by C10 Design, a company involved with product design for big brands such as Heineken, Dell and Philips. The scooter is manufactured in Europe.
The scooter has a weight of ? кг and is easy to fold and unfold. The scooter folds or unfolds in under 10 seconds.
In folded mode the scooter can be carried as a trolley, for example on a airport. The folded size of the scooter is 72 x 33 x 84cm (HxWxL) which easily fits in the storage compartment of a small car.
The scooter has a 500 ват electric motor and a top speed of 25 км/гадз. The scooter is allowed to be driven without a helmet.
The scooter can be delivered with 2 battery options 400 Wh and 600 Wh. The 400 Wh version offers a range of 40 км, the 600 Wh version offers a range of 40 км.
The GiGi scooter has a built in international charger that supports both 110v/230v which makes the scooter an efficient companion for business travelers. The charge time of the battery is 210 хвілін and the batteries reach a 80% charge after 210 хвілін.
The scooter has a digital dashboard that provides essential information about the scooter such as speed and battery status. The scooter has 2 driving modes: Default and Sport.
The GiGi scooter can be ordered in the colors white, black, red and mint green.
2025 GiGi Models
🇪🇺 Еўрапейскі Manufacturer
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