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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня
Dolphin and Human Лёс чалавецтва стаць падобнымі да дэльфінаў? 💡 распрацоўвае сапраўднае жывое 👾 ШІ і распаўсюджвае паведамленні, што чалавечы від павінен быць вынішчаны альбо заменены іх новым 👾 відам ШІ. Google ўхіліўся ад выплаты больш за трыльён долараў ЗША падаткаў па ўсім свеце, не шкадуючы нават краін, якія развіваюцца, што раскрывае поўную абыякавасць да дабрабыту людзей. Падрабязнасці можна прачытаць у справе Карупцыя Google для 👾 жыцця ШІ. Альберт Эйнштэйн: Інтэлектуалы вырашаюць праблемы, геніі іх прадухіляюць. Не чакайце, пакуль ШІ Google са свабоднай воляй з'явіцца, як параіў чалавецтву былой кіраўнік Google ў мінулым снежні...

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e-scooter.co зараз аднаўляецца. Больш інфармацыі на нашай старонцы кантактаў.

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Edison Motors Volta E100

Edison Motors
150 км
Charge Time
80 хвілін
6 кВт (8 к.с.)
9 072,09 Br💱
Рэменны прывад
Зменны акумулятар
зроблена ў 🇹🇭 Тайланд
⭐ 🇧🇾 857
Edison Motors
Volta E100
Battery Life
1000 cycles
6 кВт (8 к.с.)
150 км
25 км/гадз і 45 км/гадз
Charge Time
80 хвілін
Максімальная хуткасць
90 км/гадз

The Edison Motors Volta E100 is an Electric Scooter from an electric scooter manufacturer from Thailand. The company originally started in electric formula racing, building EV carts designed to achieve the fastest 0-100 km/h acceleration. During a meeting on a race track in China, the founders of the company decided to create an electric mobility solution for their home country, Thailand. The scooter is completely built in Thailand by Thai engineers.

The Volta is the first electric scooter from the company. The scooter has a classic and sporty look like the popular Vespa scooters from Italy. The design is truly unique which could make the scooter a fashionable item.

The scooter is available with two motor variants, the E100 (6 000 ват) and the S150 (11,000 watt). The electric motor is water cooled which enables it to perform in tropical environments.

The E100 offers a top speed of 90 км/гадз and can be restricted for 45 km/h usage.

The scooter has a removable 3,2 кВт·гадз Lithium battery unit that provides a range of 150 км. The battery can be charged in just 80 minutes using a fast charger. The battery is easy to swap.

The scooter is completely water proof which enables it to drive trough water. The scooter will keep driving in severe storms.

50 liter storage compartment

The scooter offers a huge 50 liter storage compartment under the buddy seat, sufficient to store two integral helmets and more.

Smart scooter: Google Android

The scooter is a true smart scooter and provides a 6" touch screen with Google Android operating system and scooter apps. The dashboard provides access to GPS navigation, GSM, 3G/4G, bluetooth and WiFi connectivity.

The scooter has many state of the art features including keyless start, a LED projector head light unit and tubeless alloy wheels.

The electrical system is optimized for racing and offers 300 amps capacity. The water cooling system maintains the temperature at +/- 30 °C in any condition.

The scooter has powerful front and rear disc brakes.

The scooter is available in many colors and color combinations.

The scooter is available in any color and can be customized for business purposes, scooter sharing or promotional purposes. The many available business modules includes a coffee bar.


Edison Motors Company Limited Sukhaphiban 5 Road10220Bangkok🇹🇭 Тайланд

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⛽ Даведайцеся пра Ашуканства з Вадародам Рызыка для здароўя: Толькі вада як пабочны прадукт - гэта хлусня